Monday, April 25, 2011

Yoga Poses

I’ve been busying myself by engaging my stressed and tensed body with yoga. I’m doing it at home with a dvd tape to guide me baby steps at a time. It’s the dummies series tape. At first I was looking for a dummier version :) as I was really struggling to death. It wasn’t easy at first.

But I was determined, I thought I nailed it right. Because right after every session, if I may call it that, I always feel recharged. I didn’t even notice that I was already spending an hour trying to complete the poses. I must have been trying hard to reap the benefits.:)

Anyhow, as I am still seeking my progress, I’d like to share the poses I’m super enjoying. Some I’ve learned can help ease frayed nerves and tensed muscles. My upper back aches a lot of times and I’m happy I’ve found the yoga pose to help me deal with it.

So now let’s start breathing in and breathing out. Go Sara Ivanhoe...

 Cobra pose

 Child's pose

 Seated Spinal twist

 Standing slide stretch pose

 Downward facing dog

 Final Relaxation pose

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