Tuesday, July 24, 2012

how to make Chicken with Creamy Mushrooms and Vienna Sausages

I found this recipe in a magazine (sorry I forgot which one), in a coffee shop a few years ago. Easy peasy I said when I looked at the recipe, so I took a photo of it and saved it in my file for potential use. 2 weeks ago I gave this recipe a verdict. It wasn’t just undemanding on the budget, it was, like I said, also very simple to prepare.  



Garlic – 4 cloves, minced
Onion – 1 medium, chopped
Oil – 1 tbsp
Chicken – 1 klo, cut in chunks
Cream of mushroom soup – 1 can
Water – ¾ cup
Green and Red bell pepper – 1 each, cut in chunks
Vienna sausages – 1 can 255g, drained
Salt and pepper to taste


1 Heat oil. Saute garlic and onion. Add chicken; cover and cook for 10 minutes

2 Add cream of mushroom soup and water. Stir. Cook for 20 minutes.

3 Add bell pepper and sausages. Season with salt and pepper. Simmer for  minutes.

4 Enjoy!

Any suggestions on improving this dish?

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