Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Kitchen Dreams

Social media has been loaded with photos of practically anything and everything you can think of and search for. One of my favorite subjects is about houses. I tend to save in my file folder those I find striking because I do hope that when we build our own soon, these are the files I will look for and get inspiration from. I collated a few ideas for my kitchen and these are what I liked the most.

I like the idea where one side has a bold color different from the rest of the walls. (Image source:
Black and white motif appeals so much to me especially in the kitchen area where every nook and cranny must be essentially disinfected and thoroughly cleaned. (Image source: condolivingmag IG acct)
That kind of sink must be expensive but I like the old charm it brings. Washing dishes with a window view and those roman blinds are a simple dream of mine. (Image source:
I like open shelves where I see every plates, glasses or bowls that we have. That way I get to utilize them all than let them sit there for years. (Image source:
I see that double vertical cabinets as where all my spices and all dry ingredients go. Not for everyone to see but are hidden safely away from prying insects. (Image source: roominterior IG account)

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