Thursday, November 27, 2014

4DX in Manila

photo taken using Instagram

4DX experience is in Central Square Cinema in Bonifacio High Street. As you enter the cinema you will be given 3d glasses and will be ushered in towards your seat which was kinda confusing though, just follow the seat number written at the back of the chair if in case no usherette is around.

If you've read about the special features 4DX offer you will be more than excited to want to experience it: your chair heaves up and down, rolls left and right, pitches forward and back; there's a tickler (right where your legs rest)and a vibration at your back. The special effects are: face air (bursts air towards your face), water (spills towards your face too), scent, bubbles, fog, wind, rain (showers down on you), and lights (for lightning).

I was hoping I'd experience all the effects but I realize it depends on the kind of movie you watch. The one we caught had a raining scene, we were bracing ourselves to get a little wet but we got disappointed, why no rain effects? we never knew. I'd have hoped the scent effect would depend on what was seen on the screen but were just all the same from start to finish (it was floral scent). Some effects we didn't experience which we quite understood because it didn't require them like the bubbles effect, fog, wind and the tickler.

I suggest you choose the right movie for you. I don't know if there's even a movie that will require all the special effects 4DX offer because if there is that would be super worth your money. I may have expected too much but overall it was a nice experience, the movie was good, the seats were comfy.

I've a tip, do not bring any food and drinks. It's not prohibited though, I just suggest it because you never know how many times the motion seats are going to be used, at least you'll be focused on the scenes and not on the food or drinks that might have spilled on you. There was a horseback riding scene in the movie we watched and the seat was heaving up and down, up and down which lasted until the riding scene stops, had we brought in a drink it would definitely be a concern. Preggers are not allowed inside, the way the chair rocks won't be good for you. And yes, wait for the right movie to experience it.

Ticket was priced at P450/head.

Source:4DX promotional video

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