Thursday, August 9, 2012

Books I Recommend: 11/22/63

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My fave lines from the book...

Life turns on a dime.

I guess we always find excuses to keep on with our bad habits, don’t we?

Sometimes a cigar is just a smoke and a story is just a story.

My dad used to say you can tell a lot about a person’s health just by the state of his or her fingernails.

Sometimes there’s nothing to say. Sometimes you’re just stumped.

I know death’s embarrassing to folks, especially when the one dying has nothing but his own bad habits to blame.

“Butterfly effect”. It means small events can have large, watchamadingit, ramifications.

Because being ninety-five percent sure isn’t a hundred.

When all else fails, give up and go to the library.

Keep it simple. It’s the only sure way home.

Humans were built to look back; that’s why we have that swivel joint in our necks.

Sometimes life coughs up coincidences no writer of fiction would dare copy.

The past doesn’t want to be changed.

Loose lips sink ships.

That’s the curse of the reading glass. We can be seduced by a good story even at the least opportune moments.

But if you’re going to lay it on, my father used to say, you might as well lay it on thick.

Life turns on a dime, and when it does, it turns fast.

The past isn’t just obdurate; it’s in harmony with both itself and the future.

I heard a psychology prof opine that humans actually do possess a sixth sense. He called it hunch-think, and said it was most well developed in mystics and outlaws.

My advice to you in situations where danger appears in threaten, is heed the hunch.

Life’s simplest answers are often the easiest to overlook.

Life is too sweet to give up without a fight, don’t you think?

Home is where you dance with others, and dancing is life.

Familiarity breeds disinterest as well as contempt.

Sometimes the things presented to us as choices aren’t choices at all.

Time is a tree with may branches.

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