Thursday, June 13, 2013

Books I Recommend: Wedding Night

pic from

My favorite lines from the book...

Anything that was worth taking on life's journey, you'll already have taken with you.

Marriage is like an enzyme. It causes all kinds of reaction in a relationship, mostly of the breaking-down kind.

Men are like jungle creatures. The minute they've found their kill, they eat it and fall asleep.

Don't drown the pain.

We all have special defining moments which set us on a path.

The beginning is never the problem. It's afterwards.

Waste not. Want not.

It's funny how things work out.

Life gets in the way of dreams. Dreams get in the way of life. That's the way it's always been.

But even bitterness fades away eventually.

Emotional investment - it's the hardest game of the lot.

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