Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Books I Recommend: And The Mountains Echoed

My favorite quotes from the book...

In public, every stranger's eye is a mirror.

It will pass. The way bad weather does.

A story is like a moving train: no matter where you hop on board, you are bound to reach your destination sooner or later.

One is well served by a degree of both humility and charity when judging the inner workings of another person's heart.

Find the purpose in your life and live it. But sometimes it is only after you have lived that you recognize your life had a purpose and likely one you never had in mind.

People learned to live with the most unimaginable things.

People mostly have it backward. They think they live by what they want. But really what guides them is what they're afraid of. What they don't want.

If culture was a house, then language was the key to the front door, to all the rooms inside.

There is no accounting for how the mind works.

Time is like a charm, you never have as much as you think.

I should have been more kind. That's something people will never regret.

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