Friday, August 2, 2013

RIP Cory Monteith

Cory's death was a total shock to many, including me. I remember hearing the news and I still have to ask hubby one more time lest my hearing was trying to fail me.

I am a Glee fan. The first time I caught the show, I remember getting bored the first few minutes because I didn't know who most of the casts were. But as I continued on,I decided I'd watch the next episode and the next until I became a happy convert.

I admit, Lea's character is just annoying that I don't want Cory's character and hers be paired up. Until their reel lives became real. What's even more real is the news about Cory's death.

I can't wait to see how Glee will honor Cory's contrib on the show. For sure it's gonna be a tearjerker and will break the heart of so many gleeks. It'll be sad because Glee without him will just be incomplete. :(

Picture from ryan murphy's twitter acct: @MrRPMurphy

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