Saturday, November 9, 2013

where to use Mint Leaves

Mint is said to be one of the oldest and most popular herbs that is grown around the world. The benefits of mint leaves as explained here are: 

- Soothing the digestive tract and if you are having stomach ache then it can be of great help
- Drinking herbal mint tea reduces irritated bowel syndromes, cleanses the stomach and also clear up skin  disorders such as acne.
- Mint acts as a cooling sensation to the skin and helps in dealing with skin irritations.
- Mint helps in eliminating toxins from the body.
- Crushed mint leaves helps in whitening teeth and combat bad breath.
- Mint is a very good cleanser for the blood.

I buy my supply in Landmark and since I usually get more than what I actually need I try to add it in any dish or drink I assume would be more of a boon than bane. 

Hot tea with calamansi, cinnamon and mint. I add this leaves in my tea and also in hubby's coffee.
Pancake with minty syrup. When I was making pancakes I also try to add it in my homemade pancake syrup.

Where else can I use mint leaves? Email me... thanks!

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