Saturday, May 10, 2014

Books I Recommend: One Hundred Names

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A few pages before the last, the words, for some reason stared at me. They must have struck a chord with me that I stared back. It's as if those are what I really needed at that specific time to make me feel accepting of who I've become and where I am right about now. Suddenly this book is about me. And i honestly think it is about you too.

my favorite lines from this book...

It's not right to be living with (such) anger, it's unhealthy. It destroys things.

If there is no fear, how is there a challenge?

Seeking the truth is simply to get to the heart of what is real.

People didn't always listen to the narrative, they just looked at the pictures.

Sometimes you only ever need one good thing.

Don't worry we all have our blips.

If somebody had to force you that much to believe in something then it wasn't worth believing, that it wasn't natural.

But it's the same thing as thanking Him, isn't it? How can you hate somebody if you don't believe in them.

There's no age limit on love.

I think love can change us beyond recognition, we become love-sick, soft-eyed jelly-bellied fools.

The heart knew that something was missing and it was having to work extra hard to make up for it.

They were just perfectly matched, always the same, always in sync, never seemed separated by anything as large as a decade, apart from the occasional viewpoint.

Kitty wondered if he'd felt it, the day she was born, but never knew why, a moment when the life of a 10 year old boy growing up in Dublin suddenly felt right because of the arrival of a little soul in Paris.

I cannot get through this day. But I did. Somehow. And then that day was over and I was facing the night and I said to myself, I cannot face this night. But I did. Somehow.

Grow your own luck.

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