Saturday, June 21, 2014

food blog: Lucca

Lucca is located at Mega Fashion Hall near Skating Rink
many pastries to choose from
cakes for your sweet tooth
Honestly I tried Lucca because a celebrity tried it and she gave good reviews about their pastries. I learned that when someone said something tasted good, "good" is something relative. What's good or yummy to you doesn't mean the same to me and vice-versa. Like in adobo, you may want one that's something sweet, I want it vinegar-y and garlick-y. Summed up we may and may not like food differently. So it's better to find out for yourself if a food suits you fine or not than rest on what others tell you. 

Lucca's pastries aren't disappointing and are priced sensibly too. It’s just that you can easily find their offerings in other shops too so not much stood out really. Here’s what we’ve tried.

blue berry cream brioche, P50
cheesy croissant, P45; cream cheese danish, P45
passion berry serene, P75

P.S. To date, they offer pizzas, salads and pasta too.

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