Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Books I Recommend: The First Phone Call From Heaven

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My favorite lines from the book...

Words people do not speak are louder than the ones they do.

Life is not a board game and losing a loved one is never really "starting over". More like "continuing without".

The pain you go through in life doesn't really touch you...not the real are so much lighter than you think.

Faith, it is said is better than belief, because belief is when someone else does the thinking.

The pain we suffer is a way to make us appreciate what comes next.

The end is not the end.

Fear is how you lose your life...a little bit at a time...what you give to fear, we take away

Knowing heaven is what heals us on earth.

Sometimes love brings you together even as life keeps you apart.

All blessings do not bless the same.

When people don't believe in something, they're lost.

Doubt is how you find God.

If you find one true friend in life, you're richer than most. If that one true friend is your husband, you're blessed.

Sometimes questions can be more cruel than insults.

If you believe it, you don't need proof.

Desire sets our compass but real life steers our course.

Heaven is always and forever around us, and no soul remembered is ever really gone.

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