Friday, March 22, 2013

Habemus Papam

pic from google

For me it's not so much about Cardinal Tagle being the next Pope, although I would have been overjoyed had he been the one elected, but I think it's about finally having someone who will lead the Church again. I was hoping I’d have witnessed the white smoke up the chimney, but it was still great news waking up to this momentous event. I can still remember when I personally saw Blessed John Paul II in person and I was just in tears. His countenance was just like majestic, I was in awe. I couldn't help but cry tears of joy. 

I may or may have not been given another chance to again see a Pope personally but knowing that there’s someone, His Highness, who will lead us and inspire us to Jesus' path, despite the controversy the Church is faced with, I will never ever doubt my Catholic identity. I heard Pope Francis is as charming as Blessed John Paul II too so that would be a bonus. I’ve always likened a Pope to a charming man just like Blessed John Paul II and just like Jesus who we need to  try to as much talk to no matter what circumstances we are in. Whenever I communicate with HIM there’s nearness and openness, there’s a smile even when in tears, there’s friendship and familiarity and yes HE is far but so much near. Just like a Catholic leader. I hope one day I can be in Italy, hearing a mass officiated by our Pope. Habemus Papam! I like the sound of it and because it’s good news…

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