Thursday, March 21, 2013

Must Try

Another list of I-Recommends and if you’ll notice most are cold treats. Just what we need to beat the summer heat…

Frey’s Dark Lemon & Pepper chocolate (P109.75, SM Makati) – This is for dark chocolate lovers. I’m more of a milk-chocolate creature and I once got dizzy when I devoured a whole dark chocolate bar when I was younger so I was kinda apprehensive to try this. But it came as pasalubong so I just had to give it a bite. I realize I really need not finish it in one sitting so this time I enjoyed it more.

DQ’s Mango cheesecake and Mudpie (P79 9 oz/P99 12 oz). Both are creamy and rich. Their cheesecake flavours are all yummy. Mudpie is your kind if you’re into coffee too because there’s coffee in it although not that strong a taste. I just think 12-ounce is too much calories especially when you’re well aware that sugar is a bad guy hehehe.

7-11’s Bigtime Meals Baby back ribs (P69) – Without wanting to cook when in a hurry scurry, this is a decent meal. I was surprised it’s savoury. Although microwaving food often is not recommended, again once in a while won’t hurt.

Fizz Lemon Lime (P18, Ministop) – One of my cheap thrills. In less than P20, sweltering heat becomes bearable.

Kimy Lava (P25, Ministop) – Another cheap thrill. Chocolate and strawberry is a perfect pair.

Greenwich French fries (P89) – Compare to all other fries in a fast food chain, this is for me what’s best. Wala lang :)

Dole’s Fruit Crisp (P75, Landmark) – I love Dole’s idea to present fruit in so many ways. Like their pudding fruit version, I also love their fruit crisp especially the mango one. I enjoy the texture the crisp makes in this fruity treat.

J.Co Yogurt (Sharing 4+1) – (P190) Two yogurt servings meant for sharing. If the yogurt’s tangy then that’s my kind. And JCo’s is. You can choose 4 toppings of your liking (we chose kiwi, strawberry, mandarin orange, grape) plus free mochi strawberry. To be fair this plus-free mochi deserves thumbs up. I super like.

Tous Les Jour’s Macarons (P140 box of 5/ P28 each, Greenbelt 5) – Available macarons are green tea, chocolate, mango, strawberry and vanilla. Each macaron is remarkable but what stood out for me was green tea. Chewy inside, crunchy outside. Melts in the mouth and the sweetness is perfectly right. I love it!

Magnum Chocolate Brownie (P55, 7-11) – The novelty of Magnum ice cream is seemingly slowly sliding down, maybe because it costs much for a single treat compared to others which are as yummy but are less expensive. Until new flavours came in, among the new ones, chocolate brownie is the most I liked. It still is too much calorie for me in a stick but once in a while is the key.

Cornetto Choco Caramello (P25, 7-11) – If you love anything caramel-y then this shouldn’t be missed.

CBTL’s Triple Decker Cheesecake (P135)  I heart cheesecakes. Blueberry cheesecake is my most favorite but trying out new ones like triple decker is heaven. Perfect for piping hot tea. Love.

Magnolia yogurt ice cream (P20) – Another inexpensive treat. Basta yogurt in any form is a sure winner to me. It melts easily lang but it’s rich and yummy.

Selecta’s Mrs. Fields Chocolate chip cookie ice cream (P145, 7-11) OMG, the thought of integrating Mrs Fields cookies and Selecta ice cream is a promising treat on its own much less devour spoonful every spoonful every spoonful. I won’t mind gaining a pound. This is heaven on earth. I super duper love! Dear Selecta, make this a staple ice cream flavor of yours. Please.

What are your must-try too?

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