Thursday, June 13, 2013

Pechay Smoothie

I got this smoothie recipe for detox diet in PINOY MD, a gmanewstv show. The show said that for detoxification to be effective, avoid fatty and sweet foods and do exercise. Consult a doctor first before starting detoxification to know if your body is fit for and can endure diets like this. Detox diets are set only for a few days to avoid malnutrition due to dehydration and lack of nutrients which we usually get from ordinary diets. Once in a while it’s good to have detox diets to eliminate toxins from our body. Instead of dinner this is what I had last week. 2 full glasses in a straight but slow gulp. Do not drink it like you would a juice so you'll feel fuller. I also ended up adding in more than a cup of water because it was so fiber-y. You can try replacing water with coconut water if you feel like it.


2pcs apples
1tali pechay
1bungkos celery
1cup water

This smoothie has high fiber content, with phytochemicals and healing aid for lung diseases.


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