Thursday, June 13, 2013


Definition from
o·to·my·co·sis (ō'tō-mī-kō'sis)
An infection due to a fungus in the external auditory canal, usually unilateral, with scaling, itching, and pain as the primary symptoms. 

this was the mold found inside my ear! ewww!

It all started with me profusely cleaning my right ear because I've felt there was just too much ear wax for the last 3 consecutive days. On the 4th day I knew something was wrong and I made it all the worse when I steamed my face with warm water and salt. Few days came by when my right ear was just painful I couldn't even touch it, it felt like I had the worst tooth ache and my gums were swelling terribly bad. I was scared it might have affected my ear drums which would have been the worst. I went to an ENT doctor and I learned that there's mold or "amag" growing inside my ear. I asked him the cause and he said it was just how I cleaned it. He prescribed me a solution to be dropped inside the infected ear thrice a day for a week and had to be back for follow-up check-up. I didn't get back because for one I got hurt when he was cleaning or scraping my ear and for another he wasn't explaining much about the things I wanted to know. So I changed doctor that week and I was just lucky and happy I've consulted with someone who not only has "magaan na kamay" but someone who answered every question I have in mind. These are what I learned from him:

Earwax isn't really that bad at all. They are actually antiseptic and antimicrobial. The wax is there for a reason and the moment they're totally gone nothing will protect your ear from foreign intrusions like water. The moment it got wet and didn't dry up, mold will start to build up and I tell you it is very uncomfortable and painful. Anyways earwax will naturally fall off so just let it be.

Do not use cotton buds to clean your ear, it will just push back the earwax inside. Use clean cloth and your pinky finger to clean it instead. Whatever that little finger of yours reaches that's where it's meant and safe to be cleaned.

When the ENT doctor requested for auditory cleaning because it was full of mold, it felt like he pumped water inside, so hard that I felt dizzy or I felt my brain were shaken when in actuality the molds were just being vacuumed out to totally free it. It's better that the doctor tells you what's going on instead of just putting any instrument you don't know what it's even called. My doctor got me involved in every step that's why I'm at ease with him.

After putting ear solutions to your ear, let it stand for a few minutes then just let the liquid get out. I mistakenly put cotton inside my ear so as to hold the solution inside when a few minutes is already enough and then have to air it out. One night I woke up to a wet pillow because I slept on the right side (where the infected ear was) and the cotton I placed inside my ear got all soaked up. My bad. It just aggravated it.

If your ear is under medication resist the urge to self-clean it. That's why I have to get back for check up every week because the doctor should be the one cleaning it.

Otomycosis will take 2-5 weeks of treatment. It actually depends. And while it's going on, I had to make sure the infected ear's dry all the time. My treatment took 4 weeks and it happened summer time so you've an idea how swimming/outing went out for me.

After I graduated from the treatment I was just happy everything went back to normal and all the more in glee when I felt there's earwax again inside my right ear. Ah earwax, I never thought I'd miss and welcome you this much. :)

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