Thursday, July 4, 2013

Movies I Recommend: Scarface

"Scarface follows the violent career of a small time Cuban refugee hoodlum who guns his way to the top of Miami's cocaine empire."

IMDB Trivia:

Robert De Niro was offered the lead role before Al Pacino but he turned it down.

The last shootout sequence where Al Pacino grabs the gun by the barrel where they only used blank ones, his hand still got badly burned that the production had to be stopped for a week.

Tony's "little friend" is an M16 assault rifle with an M203 40mm grenade launcher attached to the barrel.

The movie was shot in Los Angeles as the Miami Tourism Board did not allow the filming in their city.

John Travolta was considered for the role of Manny Ribera.

For the role of Elvira Hancock,
these stars all turned down the role:
Rosanna Arquette, Jennife Jason Leigh, Melanie Griffith, Kim Basinger, Kathleen Turner and Jodie Foster. Brooke Shields was also offered the role but her mother made her turn down the offer.

these stars auditioned for the role:
Sharon Stone, Geena Davis, Carrie Fisher, Kelly McGillis

and Sigourney Weaver was considered for the role

-> I've heard so much about this classic (the kind I wasn't into) movie that I thought I should've not let pass lest I deny myself of an unforgettable all-time epic film. Me being a self-proclaimed movie buff, no matter the theme or how dark the message came to be, I felt I should see it. True enough Scarface is impressive. It's larger than life that it's scary. But even all that, I couldn't help but like Al Pacino's character from start to end. "Say hello to my little friend."

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