Tuesday, September 24, 2013

food blog: Manos Greek Tavern

I have only been to 3 Greek restaurants but I can safely say that their food is what I always look forward to. I don't know if it's because Greece is one of my top 4 dream destination or their cuisine seems a lot like our own when it comes to how flavorful our dishes can be or that I may have been Greek in my past life. In MoA, we saw Manos Greek Tavern Restaurant when it was still yet to start and I remember how I was ecstatic knowing that there's a new Greek resto yet to be built. I learned that the owner is a Greek man himself and he's about to visit this October. The place is simple, obviously dotted with blue much like those restaurants in Greece I've seen (and stalked)in videos. Prices are reasonable, they have daily meal promos, single meals combo and group meal combo and with their main course they have grilled dishes, oven-baked dishes and vegetarian dishes. True enough, I wasn't disappointed with their food..

They adorn their walls with photos of the places in Greece. Santorini is one of my dreams.
Blue set-up :)
Single meal combo
Another combo treats

My order is their single meal, combo 1 (moussaka, cabbage roll, spanakopita, salad and bottomless iced tea) P260
I have always enjoyed moussaka because I love eggplants, although with this I like Cafe Meditteranean's mousakka better.

And I thought cabbage roll was just that but it was what delighted me, really it was good.

Spanakopita was like our version of lumpia but instead of our usual veggies inside theirs only has spinach. It was also good but I kind of wondered how it became crunchy outside that the spinach inside isn't compromised. Lovely.

You can never go wrong with salads especially with feta cheese in it.


 Hubby's order is their single meal, combo 4 (shawarma, dolmades, beef with beans, salad or feta cheese, bottomless iced tea), P260

When you order shawarma, you have a choice of either beef, chicken, pork or lamb. Since we hardly order lamb, that's what hubby tried. Hubby said lamb's supposed to be malansa but what they served wasn't, he only hoped the size was chunkier.

Dolmades is a combination of rice, parsley and herbs wrapped in grape leaves. It has tangy flavor which just suits hubby and it also left us wondered if that's real grape leaves. Amaze.

Beef with beans is a familiar dish to us, it's like my grandma's version of her homemade caldereta goodness. It was very simple, just the beef (which was very tender), beans and the red sauce but to me it was very delish. 

For dessert: Baklava P175. Served with ice cream. It has nuts (walnuts, almonds and pistachios), honey and cinnamon. I love this flaky and sweet dessert. It was just bitin because of the size but it was actually served that tiny in those restos we've already tried.

I'm not a foodie expert really but I can say I'm adventurous in a way that I'd like to try anything and everything new to the palate. We live only once so our hunt for what we could have loved or hated with food should never cease. 

(P.S. The last time I saw this resto it was already named Santorini.)

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