Friday, September 27, 2013

Warm Water with Lemon

I have recently been drinking warm water with lemon or ginger tea in the mornings. I still prefer my rich hot chocolate though but I know I'd reap the benefits if I'd be diligent about this healthy living goal. I've read in that this morning cup's benefits can only be optimized by knowing the do's and dont's. And all this while I thought just taking a cup will suffice. Let me share....

Add spice to your coffee. Cinnamon is said to help control blood sugar and nutmeg to regulate digestive tract. So instead of sugar which adds calories, spices are a better option to reap its benefits.

Add lemon to your tea. Adding a little citrus to your tea brings out the antioxidant power more in tea. If I have no lemon I substitute it with calamansi.

Tea should only be steeped for 3-5 minutes for optimum benefits. Overbrewing it will lower the amount of it's antioxidant power.

Don't take vitamins with coffee. Research says that the effect of coffee on your digestive tract may make it harder for your body to absorb all nutrients from your vitamins, so better to wait at least 10-15 minutes after drinking your coffee before popping your vitamins.

Don't add milk to your tea. Mixing both will decrease health properties of the tea. So avoid dairy if you want that cancer-fighting powers.

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