Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Books I Recommend: Crazy Rich Asians

image source: google.com

My favorite quotes in this book...

Every one is more relaxed at lunchtime.

In Asia, there is a proper time for everything, a proper etiquette.

Doing nothing can sometimes be the most effective form of action.

Remember, every treasure comes with a prize.

Funny how you could be so intimate with someone for so many years and yet feel so painfully awkward around them now.

There's something really cathartic about that, about owning up to your truth.

>I've gotten only a few quotes from this book because I've enjoyed it so much that I wanted to finish it in one sitting but also careful not to as I don't want it also to end. It's a peek of the life of the crazy rich Asians, the one you never thought existed, it kinda seemed unreal but it is real. It is fabulous and fascinating you get jealous but sometimes it's scary and sad. Above all that, it's a love story. A love story you'd hope also belongs to you. :)

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