Sunday, April 20, 2014

Of Blogs and Love

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As I was reading old articles and blogs, I came across this piece I wrote 4 years ago. I just felt that maybe, just maybe, someone who's jaded about love will get to read this and be inspired that no matter what we go through life, especially love, will find in her or his heart that everything will soon fall into place. At the right time and at the right place. Just wait.

Of blogs and Love 
Jun 2, '09 3:23 PM

I write two blogs. The first one being this blog speaks about the individual me while the second, speaks of the new life I’ve entered, that of being a married woman and all the rest it happily brings. Two blogs because I believe I’m still my own person thus this personal account. I used to share the other one but I later realize I’d rather share it with family and friends muna. Anyways I have blog that already speaks about the whole of me so I better left it at that. Not that my husband minds, I know he won’t, it’s just that I respect his personal space and him being my significant other doesn’t give me the liberty to expose him to cyberspace. Kumbaga sa showbiz, I’ll keep that part of my life private, wehehe.

I also hope our children will get to read for themselves how their parent’s lovestory beautifully started. How love can be simple yet beautiful. I once thought that in order for a relationship to stand the true test of time, they must go through several hardships, pains and tribulations until they both realize that this very relationship will be worth the fight, the race and all the troubles. I used to believe that in the name of love, you make sacrifices with the hope that he (if he's at fault) will soon realize his mistakes and own up to it and then comes his own volition to change for the better and be exactly the man you would have hoped for him to become.

But when you marry the man of your prayers suddenly you view love from a different vantage point. You really don’t need pala all the trials and hurdles the entire universe can devastatingly bring you to just be the last pair standing. Yes a few sacrifices have to be made. But not to compromise what is vital to you.

Answered prayers don’t come to your door in the exact package you have hoped and have wished for sometimes. All you need is faith and trust. Case in point: I prayed for a man who religiously hears mass every Sunday. I met someone who did but we didn’t end up together. This man I married had not heard mass for the longest time. When he met me and learned that I hear novena mass apart from the Sunday obligation, he decided on his own to change his ways and go with me every single time. It was genuine because up until this time he happily makes it a part of his weekly grind. He once told me that he will never cease to go to mass because it is his way of thanking HIM that he at last found me.

I have a friend who underwent so much hurt no women ever deserve of. They almost got married. Almost. Many years after, she met a new man. Theirs is a beautiful and simple love story too. After 11 years of marriage they still hardly fight. They’re still open to each other, no lies only truth and so much understanding between them. I thought it was weird having not had to fight at all. It was maturity that they never have had to fight petty things until blown out of proportion. I say I look up to their marriage because it inspires me that such uncomplicated love story still exists in this day and age.

This of course is not to say that we don’t fight. We argue about things. We speak our minds. But we never cuss. We never hurt each other. We never yell at each other, only a few decibels, hehehe. He just knows how to handle me and I him. We never sleep mad. (Although we both don’t believe in that actually) After every fight and when argument’s hurled and done, give us less than 10 minutes and we’re back to that peaceful atmosphere. I don’t know how that happens. It even seems easier said than done but it really is. All that said, we also hardly fight, madalang. I always say napakaswerte ko sa kanya. Just when you thought you prayed long and hard enough to be gifted with the man you thought was so right for you, you would find someone who’s more than that you would even think twice if you are truly deserving of that one great blessing.

A few nights ago we had to make a decision, we were heatedly debating about the date we were going to indicate in the check. We each have the best date and reason in mind. He didn’t get my point and I also didn’t get his. Too tired to debate further, I gave way. He did the same. Then silence. Few minutes later, he kid about my bulging belly then I snubbed him playfully..

A glimpse of us…

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