Wednesday, July 16, 2014

how to choose Rental Homes

When you're renting homes, there are many factors to seriously consider before moving in. do your homework and see if the environment you will live in will be suited to the kind of life you wish to have. obviously you would want to stay longer to your choice of place (while saving for that dream home) than move out every so often because of concerns that bother you or your family that have not been addressed properly. If you're newly married and you decide to rent apartment or condo unit or you're someone who yearn for independence you want to live at peace on your own, here are my tips on what to consider when renting out.

observe the neighbors: the unit that's beside yours or facing yours. see if they have newborn child, a toddler or a family with many kids. if you're like me who value peace and silence during the wee hours when you're suppose to enjoy your nocturnal rest, steer clear of these bunch. especially when your units are not spaced decently apart. a baby who cries so loud at night is not the real issue for me really, it's the parents who don't budge so these people you must look out for.

if units are spaced apart: there are units that are inconveniently near each other, you would likely hear if the couples next door are fighting over mundane things. you wouldn't want other people to hear your rows too.

network connection: find out if all major networks have clear signals in the area. believe it or not, some areas still have poor connections.

firewalls: this is very important for your family's security.

prone to flood areas: others offer unbelievably less rental fees because of that and most of the time the owners will be less likely to inform you that. you can probably choose 2nd floor units just to make sure.

pets: if it's allowed to bring one or if you don't like neighbors who again doesn't mind attending to their pet's endless barks at 3 in the morning. if you notice, I want stillness and peace at night. I easily get waken up by noises outside and I'm the type who doesn't get to sleep back right away.

provision for exhaust fans: it's needed for when you're the type who cooks at home. some place doesn't provide that that it's highly likely to see neighbors who cook outside their doors using coals or by using small tanks. nowadays most condo units prefer their tenants using induction cooker which I think for me is safer.

windows: opt for a well ventilated place. it will save you money in the long run, I've read and I agree that we should choose ventilation over space.

security guards: if there's someone you want to watch over your place especially when you're not home most of the time and during the nights too. some buildings has CCTV cameras for the protection of their tenants, that is something secure for me. i also like it that they're very strict with visitors because that only means they mean serious business.
By far these are just a few tips i have on my arsenal. I've learned all these in time and even if it's really not that easy to look for rentals that will suit all your terms and conditions, i think it's better to have at least those that truly matters to you and your family than be sorry later. You go home to a place you call your sanctuary so never make a mistake of shortchanging that. Happy hunting!


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