Saturday, July 12, 2014

Recipe 101: Fried Sesame Fish

It has always been the same when I try to fry fish, either use the flour-egg-breadcrumbs mix or season it with just salt and pepper. This was inspired by a DelMonte Kitchenomics recipe except that I didn't add the pineapples as sauce as we don't prefer sweet dishes.  

Here's the procedure:

Marinate fish (I used cream dory here) in 1tbsp calamansi juice, salt and pepper. Set aside.

Combine 1/2c all purpose flour, 4cloves minced garlic and 2tbsp sesame seeds. Set aside.

Beat 1pc egg and mix fish with it.

Coat each piece of fish in flour-garlic-sesame seeds mixture and fry in sesame oil until golden brown.

Serve. Pair with either a soup or roasted veggies.

How do you make your fried fish interesting? Share your recipe. Thanks.

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