Friday, March 8, 2013

random thought abouth DEATH

The one thing I dreaded the most is receiving a call in the wee hours. Sensing emergency is just way scary...

My cousin's hubby passed away just last week. Although I'm close to my cousin, he and I haven't established a more personal relationship. We only see each other during family occasions, have small talks about the kids and that would be about all. I love his kids to pieces. I'm even the godmother of the youngest. So that's why when I heard about the news, it saddened me. He and my cousin are a young couple with 2 loveable young boys. It's so painful to imagine what life would be like for these 2 boys and her. They were just starting to build their family dreams and in just a snap everything came crumbling down. 

After learning the sad news, It scared me to think that with death, everything else becomes temporary. It is kinda sad to live each and everyday as if it is your last but when do we ever know if our time's already up? 

So while we are still here and we can still hold hands with our loved ones, while we can still kiss them good night and can still say cheesy things to them, while we can still spoil them with chocolates and gifts, while we can still listen to their rave and rants, while we can still laugh about silly things and while everything is still possible, DO it. With love and passion.

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