Monday, April 8, 2013

how to Cleanse Your Kidneys

Our kidneys perform the essential function of removing waste products from the blood and regulating the water fluid levels so it’s best for you and me to start taking care of it while we still can and while still controllable, not when some awful symptoms start to show up and become noticeable to realize something has gone wrong with our body. Be conscious. We all hope for a longer life especially when we have children we want to see grow up and live their dreams to witness. I remember one superior who was admonishing a co-worker to start eating consciously even when she’s still in her 20’s because she says by the time we turn 30, our body will take a toll on what we’ve been feeding it all along. True.

This drink doesn’t actually tastes good, I pinch my nose when I gobble up a glass but I know it’s good for my kidneys so that’s enough to encourage me.Google search gave me this how-to..

Parsley Juice

Take a bunch of parsley, wash it clean

Cut in small pieces

Put in a pot and pour clean water

Boil for 10 minutes and let it cool down

Filler it and pour in a clean bottle

Keep inside ref to cool

Drink 1 glass daily

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