Tuesday, April 16, 2013

how to make Polvoron

I realized that the secret to having a yummy polvoron is the right brand of milk powder. For me, the creamier the milk powder the yummier polvoron will be. So to achieve a foolproof one, choose a brand that’s to your own liking, never scrimp on it. Cake flour instead of plain flour also made a difference. This is Lucy Torres’ recipe of polvoron, I tried this and I liked it. For sure you will too.


1/ 2 cup maya cake flour

1/ 2 cup birch tree milk powder

2/ 3 cup white sugar

1/ 2 cup unsalted butter, melted


Toast flour until light brown stirring constantly

In a bowl, mix flour, milk, sugar and melted butter

Shape into rounds using polvoron molder

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