Tuesday, November 19, 2013

how to make Chicken Adobo

It still fascinates me how a lot of people have their own versions of adobo. In my family alone, my father has his own way, so is my sister and of course me. But everytime I see how others prepare it differently I'm always tempted to try how theirs fair. I've tried Chef Boy Logro's adobo recipe and I claimed it would be my style of adobo for as long as I'd want. This doesn't stop me though to try Jenni Epperson's recipe and true enough it tasted good too. The original recipe uses pork so it'd be up to you. Using chicken yielded the same yummy result so it would make no difference. Bon appetit!


1/2klo chicken
salt and pepper
1cup chicken stock
1/2cup light soy sauce
1/2cup vinegar
3tbsp oyster sauce
1head garlic, crushed
3-5pcs dried bay leaves
pepper to taste


lightly coat chicken with seasoned flour (flour with salt and pepper). (DO NOT COAT HEAVILY)

heat oil and sear chicken on both sides (DON'T COOKE ALL THE WAY THROUGH)

in a pot, add chicken stock, soy sauce, vinegar, oyster sauce

add seared chicken

add garlic, dried bay leaves and ground pepper

cook until chicken is tender

any suggestions on improving this dish?

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