Saturday, March 29, 2014

Book I Recommend: Seriously....I'm Kidding

pic from

 My favorite lines from this book...

To me beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin.

It's important to let go of things and give things away.

It's failure that gives you the proper perspective on success.

We are all different people and we're allowed to be different from one another.

It's the same with every career and life decision. You just have to keep driving down the road. It's going to bend and curve and you'll speed up and slow down, but the road keeps going.

Be nice and be on time.

Honesty is so important and yet a lot of times it's hard to find in people.

No one likes to be around Negative Nellies. Try and spend more time with Positive Peters and Happy Helens.

Be happy. Do things that make you happy within the confines of the legal system.

Find out who you are and figure out what you believe in.

Let the naysayers nay. They will eventually grow tired of naying.

I know sometimes it seems like a world that has a blanket with sleeves can't get any better, but I think it can.

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