Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Books I Recommend: How To Fall In Love

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I can actually relate to the female character in this book. As a friend sometimes, if not most of the times, I'd have thought I know all the answers to some issues and concerns and that my advice is the best solution there is. I tend to believe that by insisting what I know, I'm helping a friend to NOT make the same mistakes I did. In the end, it will sometimes yield good results but the best ones are those we've made on our own and learned a lot from.

my favorite lines from the book...

the brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear (nelson mandela)

and sometimes when you witness a miracle, it makes you believe that anything is possible

you know, if you can recognise your triggers it can help with being aware of those negative thoughts before you drop into the downward spiral

if you think life is crap, life will be crap

stress is the new back problem

most things are possible. but not everything

i think that however good it is, some love isn't meant to be forever

sometimes you can know a thing even when you don't know

but where pain was, healing could come; where loneliness was, new relationships could be formed; where rejection was, new love could be found

it was a moment. and moments changed. she would have to live through the moment to get to the next

it's senseless to allow a single thought to inhabit a mind because thoughts are like guests or fair-weather friends. as soon as they arrive, they can leave, and even the ones that take a long time to emerge fully can disappear in an instant.

moments are precious; sometimes they linger and other times they're fleeting, and yet so much could be done in them; you could change a mind, you could save a life and you could even fall in love.

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